Loyal to your family, your partner, your King and even your Country!
What is royalty? I think most of the people know the exact meaning especially our politician. May be they know it perfectly, but sometime they over defined the word 'loyalty' and make people confuse.
One of our 'National Principles', loyalty to King and Country, it clearly stated that as Malaysian, you should royal to your King and Country. if not, you will name as traitor.
So, what should a Malaysian need to do to show his or her loyalty to King and Country according Malaysia National Principles?
For my opinion, a Malaysian not have the only way to show his or her loyalty to King and Country through army. The fundamental thing of a Malaysian is to know your right, what's to do with your right!
For your information, our country system is unique, is a federal parliamentary democracy which rule by King. The parliament such as a management level in a company, the only different thing is this management level responsible to manage a country. And this management level is always formed through a democracy election. The management level can be change if Malaysian feel that the team not good enough or there is another team is better than it.
So, the process of choosing a management team that you feel is better one actually you are paying your royalty to King and not to the management team. Unfortunately, some of the management team always confuse people you must choose them, if not, you will name as traitor. Nothing wrong with me if I didn't choose them and name as traitor? The important thing is I still loyal to my King, I am not a traitor to the country.
As Malaysian, what should you suppose to do is to pay your right! vote for a better management level to help our King rules the country. That's only you play your loyalty in the right way and show it to our King and also Malaysia.
Malaysian, choosing a right management team for our King and also Malaysia is your responsibility. This is call LOYALTY.